From the Salon
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Dated Friday June 3
Nixon's revenge
The revelations about Deep Throat aren't as noteworthy as the continuing audacity of the former president's apologists.
By Joe Conason
Historical amnesia long ago leached away the meaning of Watergate for most Americans. With the revelation that former FBI official Mark Felt was the secret Washington Post source later known as "Deep Throat," an opportunity arises to examine the criminality that endangered the Constitution under the Nixon presidency and the role of the press in exposing that crisis -- as well as the continuing audacity of the Nixonian criminals, their enablers and their apologists in attempting to rewrite history.
Far beyond a "third-rate burglary" of the Democratic National Committee headquarters, Watergate came to stand for the wide-ranging gangsterism of the Nixon regime. At the bottom were fascist thugs like G. Gordon Liddy, who plotted the black-bag jobs, warrantless wiretaps, illegal spying and campaign dirty tricks, all in the cause of reelecting the president in 1972. In the middle were the Nixon operation's white-collar goons, those lawyers and bureaucrats who collected bundles of cash from corrupt corporations and then handed out the money for secret campaign slush funds and hush-money payoffs. And at the top sat Tricky Dick, along with his White House palace guard and his corrupted appointees at the Justice Department, the CIA and the FBI
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