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Good Intentions Gone Bad (Newsweek Bureau Chief Leaving Iraq)

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-05-05 02:00 PM
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Good Intentions Gone Bad (Newsweek Bureau Chief Leaving Iraq)

Two years ago I went to Iraq as an unabashed believer in toppling Saddam Hussein. I knew his regime well from previous visits; WMDs or no, ridding the world of Saddam would surely be for the best, and America's good intentions would carry the day. What went wrong? A lot, but the biggest turning point was the Abu Ghraib scandal. Since April 2004 the liberation of Iraq has become a desperate exercise in damage control. The abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib alienated a broad swath of the Iraqi public. On top of that, it didn't work. There is no evidence that all the mistreatment and humiliation saved a single American life or led to the capture of any major terrorist, despite claims by the military that the prison produced "actionable intelligence."

The most shocking thing about Abu Ghraib was not the behavior of U.S. troops, but the incompetence of their leaders. Against the conduct of the Lynndie Englands and the Charles Graners, I'll gladly set the honesty and courage of Specialist Joseph Darby, the young MP who reported the abuse. A few soldiers will always do bad things. That's why you need competent officers, who know what the men and women under their command are capable of—and make sure it doesn't happen.

Living and working in Iraq, it's hard not to succumb to despair. At last count America has pumped at least $7 billion into reconstruction projects, with little to show for it but the hostility of ordinary Iraqis, who still have an 18 percent unemployment rate. Most of the cash goes to U.S. contractors who spend much of it on personal security. Basic services like electricity, water and sewers still aren't up to prewar levels. Electricity is especially vital in a country where summer temperatures commonly reach 125 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet only 15 percent of Iraqis have reliable electrical service. In the capital, where it counts most, it's only 4 percent.

The most powerful army in human history can't even protect a two-mile stretch of road. The Airport Highway connects both the international airport and Baghdad's main American military base, Camp Victory, to the city center. At night U.S. troops secure the road for the use of dignitaries; they close it to traffic and shoot at any unauthorized vehicles. More troops and more helicopters could help make the whole country safer. Instead the Pentagon has been drawing down the number of helicopters. And America never deployed nearly enough soldiers. They couldn't stop the orgy of looting that followed Saddam's fall. Now their primary mission is self-defense at any cost—which only deepens Iraqis' resentment.

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Benhurst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-05-05 02:16 PM
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1. Same old, same old. We've got to stay -- until they kick us out. NT
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geckosfeet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-05-05 03:41 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. lets kick the shrubinator out,,, out of the white house
Put him on the curb and let his daddy come pick him up.
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Boo Boo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-05-05 03:43 PM
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3. Good intentions...
Edited on Sun Jun-05-05 03:44 PM by Boo Boo

As our corrupt, servile media are dragged kicking and crying towards the obvious and brutal truth of the Iraq debacle this will be the last lie to fall. The Neocons pay lip service to high ideals like Freedom(tm), but their real goal was to establish U.S. hegemony in the Middle East, to gain control over the Energy supplies located there, privatize Iraq at gunpoint, and to demonstrate unchallengable U.S. military power.

Perhaps in the warped minds of America's ruling elite that's what passes for good intentions these days.
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