On the same day that a bipartisan group of legislators passed a bill to further fund stem cell research, Bush was meeting with former frozen embryos. Will he meet with former frozen sperm cells next? Bush promises to veto the bill.
According to the National Institutes of Health, stem cells are contained within embryos that are four to five days old and have been donated by couples from in vitro fertilization clinics. Most of them get thrown away because they are not used.
Some conservatives oppose the use of these cells for research that could lead to cures for many diseases and conditions that could save life. If you are “Pro-life” this should be meaningful. It would save the life of large complex organisms (otherwise known as people) that don’t reside in test tubes, have families, have organs, can think, can feel, and have heart beats.
The pro-life movement would have better luck getting the government to limit the mother’s choice in the later part of the second trimester (it doesn’t exist in the third) because of the level of fetal brain development and possible viability. Reasonable people will agree with reasonable arguments if you have them. They will not agree with allowing people to die for a movement that is suppose to be concerned with life.