It is inevitable: sooner or later the Bush Regime will fall. Perhaps next month; perhaps after the end of the Jeb Bush Administration in 2016. The essential question is whether it will take down the rest of us with it.
In the two and a half years that I have co-edited The Crisis Papers, I have often speculated publicly as to how Bushism might be overthrown. The operative word here is “might.” Regarding probabilities, I am a pessimist; regarding possibilities, I am an optimist. And as long as there is a possibility of avoiding the precipice, that is reason enough for hope, for rational planning, and for action. Resigned passivity is not an honorable option.
First the dire probabilities:
The Bush administration is confidently marching toward disaster, and we are all unwilling passengers on this fool’s journey. Bush’s folly, if not diverted, will certainly lead to economic collapse, international isolation, and dreadful terrorist revenge. Herbert Stein’s law reigns supreme: “That which can not go on forever, won’t.” The ingredients of this witch’s brew of mischief are many: the federal deficit and national debt, growing income disparity, the dissolution of civil liberties and civil rights, foreign wars, stolen elections, corporate corruption, theocracy and the assault on science and scholarship, official secrecy and lies.
Because I have recently discussed these malignant conditions at length (in “Something’s Gotta Give”) I will not repeat that effort here. Our focus will be on possible avenues of reform and restoration. Suffice to say that the mechanisms that support and sustain the Bushevik folly are firmly in place: a captive media, limitless financial resources from corporate sponsors, an intimidated and subservient bureaucracy, disregard of federal and international law, unconstrained mendacity, and, worst of all, a passive and gullible public. Add to that the manifest shortcomings and disqualifications of The Commander-in-Chief himself: pluperfect arrogance, a stubborn unwillingness to admit error, and a disregard of the informed advice of scientists, policy analysts and intelligence agencies. In short, our President is a perfect solipsist: all that exists to him is his greed, his self-importance, and the “wisdom” of his infallible gut.>>>>snip