Poking a stick at a beehive is fine and dandy when you're wearing the beekeeper suit but what if you are one of the millions who aren't. The citizens of Iraq continue to be fatally stung by the joint efforts of the U.S. and the Insurgents/Al Queda/Bathis/Rogue Terrorist/Republican Guard Remnants/Who knows the Hell else. Our mere presences is invoking a civil war that there is a good chance will not go or end well. I can't fight this sinking feeling that we could be in for some major suprises and more trouble.
The following post made by Dahr Jamail on his weblog, is extremely disturbing when you consider all the factors involved. You got the Sunnis being paid back by the Shia & Kurds for the shit that Saddam laid on them and on the back end you have Iran(home to a large number of Shia) doing a good job at pissing off neo-cons
who we all know don't even need a legitimate reason to attack and not to mention the fact that the monkey-in-charge already has them on his radar. Oh and lets not forget to factor in the fighting by U.S. troops against insurgents on the Syrian border. This is looking real bad folks. I'm seriously getting scared and maybe a wee bit paranoid about how and when all of this will play out. Will it be in my lifetime, my daughters, my granddaughters? Do I even want to know.