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The Race is Still Young

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goodhue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-24-03 04:24 PM
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The Race is Still Young
Edited on Thu Sep-25-03 01:37 PM by Skinner

Why Dennis Kucinich will win and why choosing a candidate based on his electability is a recipe for disaster.

by Malachi Roth

Dennis Kucinich will be our next president because there has never been a man of such caliber running for president in our nation's entire history. His honesty, sincerity, morality, genuineness, and immunity to the corrupt nature of power are unprecedented. We have never seen such a candidate run for high office. We are so used to superficial cookie-cutter politicians being forced down our throats with expensive advertising that we think it takes a person like that to win, even though we hate them. Too often we hear the dual complaints, "good people don't go into politics" and "the choices are dismal" but when one of our own throws his hat into the ring most scoff and claim he will never win our hearts by using passion and principal to appeal directly to our hearts.

New York Times-reading liberals couch their dismissal of Kucinich in statements suggesting that it is other people who will never vote for him. They say things like, "Well, I like him but the rest of the population won't so I'm going for Dean." In essence they condescend to the rest of the population for being more superficial and right wing than they are. In truth the people of Kucinich's own district are far more representative of average America than the urban elites dismissing him as unelectable and they've been voting for him for years. Upwardly mobile liberals are assuming that average Americans who already love Kucinich by the tens of thousands across the country would rather vote for Dean because he is more moderate. Entering any contest with such a defeatist attitude and based on such a misreading of the American people is, in my view, sure to bring defeat.

On the issues Kucinich is the obvious candidate for liberals and the peace/activist community yet he appeals to labor and working class voters as well. The people Kerry, Lieberman, Ghephart, Edwards and Graham really appeal to is our corporate class. So what Dean supporters are really saying is that Kucinich is bound to anger our corporate overlords and will therefore never raise the millions of dollars necessary to brainwash the public into voting for him. Thank god for that. Any candidate who does receive the blessing of the corporate elite simply cannot be trusted.

Perhaps campaign finance reform needs to begin in our collective psyche. In essence we are trying to create regulations, which keep the wealthy from influencing the rest of us through propaganda. Perhaps we have to teach ourselves to be less susceptible to that propaganda before we will be able to pass laws to regulate it. The obvious example is Germany when Hitler was prime minister but the republic was still intact. The opposition tried political methods to keep him from intalling himself as dictator but the Nazis were using psychological warfare techniques, which have nothing to do with politics.

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rabid_nerd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-24-03 04:29 PM
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1. The first sentence ruined it for me...
... gotta be not only the best now but the best EVER?
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no name no slogan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-24-03 04:48 PM
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2. Good article
He's the reason why I have hope for the Dems on the national level. If we nominate yet another DINO who doesn't support our platform and beliefs, we'll lose those voters come November 2004, and we'll face another 2000 all over again.

And NOBODY should want that.
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