pillory press for lagging on memo story
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Five weeks after a British memo shed light on prewar discussions, readers won't let the story die.
Hundreds of them have focused on The Oregonian in recent weeks, flooding the newspaper with phone calls and e-mails, even demonstrating outside, asking why the newspaper hasn't devoted more coverage to the documents.
The importance of the story can be debated, but three lessons from the noise should be heeded: The newspaper ignores Web conversations at its own peril. The world is smaller, and its news can reach homes without the help of newspapers, so readers can become their own editors. And the political polarization of the country remains as wide and deep as it was last fall, which demands more of newspapers.
My response:
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
Just off of the top of my head, two glaring omissions -- on purpose or are
you really that uneducated?
1. Remember the 16 words in the 2003 State of the Union?
"British intelligence has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought
significant quantities of uranium from Africa"?
Now that we know that the Brits were cooperating in "fixing" intelligence
so that Bush could get the war he wanted so bad, wouldn't that scandal
merit inclusion in your list if excuses? Does this not put that lie in
a whole new perspective?
Bush tells the Brits he wants a war, wants intelligence to help his case,
so then the Brits help him with this uranium story? Hello? Wake up
over there.
2. You mention the "stories and books" about how Bush wanted to go
to war as early as November 2001. What you failed to mention was the
thorough trashing by the Republicans and their handmaidens in the media
of people like Clarke, O'Neill, Wilson, Plame, et. al. The Plame leak
in and of itself shows the lengths to which the Bushies were willing to
go to destroy anyone who tried to tell the truth.
Why did you not mention that? Was it because this also destroys
one of your many excuses?
Or is it because it's "too partisan" of a truth? You afraid of what the
screaming jackals on the Right will do to you next?
What a joke. Glorified stenographers, the lot of you.