's Make a Deal with Sen. Joe Biden
Sen. Joe Biden (D) is continuing his self-serving, arrogant and conceited attack on DNC Chairman Howard Dean, this time telling Don Imus that "The Democratic chairman does not speak for me, an elected United States senator. No party official speaks for me anytime, anyplace, under any circumstances. And I think the rhetoric is counter-productive."
All good Democrats and progressives should make a deal with Biden: he can continue stabbing his own party in the back with impunity for his own self-promotion, and say his party doesn't speak for him. In exchange, Biden should agree to never, ever claim to speak for Democrats.
Remember, this is a Senator who (among other things) led the fight to pass the bankruptcy bill, voted against limiting the interest credit card companies can gouge consumers with, voted against limiting predatory lending, voted against protecting consumers when their identity is stolen, voted for the Iraq War and voted to confirm Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. This says nothing about him perpetually floating his name for President, even though the last time he ran, he got caught pathetically trying to plagiarize people's speeches.
Is it a deal, Joe? We won't speak for you, as long as you never, ever try to claim your record is representative of us. Sounds pretty fair - and believe me, in the long run, the Democratic Party would be getting the better end of the bargain.
Biden attacks Dean and Democrats again: leads the fight for the passage of the Bankruptcy Bill: votes against limiting credit card interest rates: votes against limiting predatory lending: votes against protecting consumers when their identity is stolen: votes for the Iraq War: votes to confirm Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: caught plagiarizing speeches: