From the transcript:
AMY GOODMAN: In our news headlines today, Wisconsin, the state's Democratic Party, has passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Bush, as well as Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. The resolution called on Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings against the three officials accusing them of misleading the country in the lead up to war. Last year, the Democratic Party in Nevada passed the same resolution. The National Green Party, as well as former presidential candidate, Nader, have -- Ralph Nader, have called on Bush's impeachment. Are you calling for President Bush's impeachment?
REP. JOHN CONYERS: At this point, I'm still collecting evidence. There are a lot of other bits of evidence that we have to put together to make it perfectly clear that this isn't a matter of how you interpret a memo that speaks in the plainest of language, and I, as the senior member on the committee that would be in charge of anything that comes under the rubric of the I-word, I am staying away from that subject until I have completed my investigation. There are others, who -- constitutional scholars, lawyers, professors that are all looking at this question, but I can tell you this: Deceiving the Congress, deceiving the American people, planning a war that is not pre-emptive, cooking the books to create weapons of mass destruction, and then trying to beef up the intelligence to comport to a -- to provoke Iraq to join us in a war, then going to the United Nations, hoping that the United Nations demand to go in and examine for these hidden weapons, all of these pretexts which failed, and now we have the question of whose -- does Article I, Section 8, giving the Congress the power to declare war, is that still in existence or have we slipped into this era where in a never-ending war against terrorism, we may be confronted with presidents who may operate as carelessly and as recklessly as this President that we have at this point?
I would maintain that any regime official, not only Mr. Bush, who had a part in the deception that led to Congressional authorization of the IWR or who attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to deceive the United Nations Security Council into approving the use of force against Iraq is guilty of war crimes. Public remarks aimed at selling the war to the public, and thus putting pressure on elected representatives and persuading leaders and diplomats abroad, are part of this pattern. Consequently, at a minimum. Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, Dr. Rice and Mr. Rumsfeld should be impeached and removed from office and they and many others, including General Powell, Mr. Wolfowitz and Mr. Feith, should be indicted and prosecuted under the War Crimes Act of 1996. If the United States government is unable or unwilling to bring changes and make a good faith effort to prosecute, then an international tribunal should be convened for this purpose.
I also advocate the impeachment and removal from office of Mr. Gonzales and the indictment and prosecution of him and others, including some of those named above, on charges arising out of the use of torture and other violations of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions. Those charges are beyond the scope of the deception that war in Iraq and should be discussed elsewhere.