pointless war with another ME country will completely and totally enrage a large proportion of the country. It will NOT "rally us around the flag." And another 9/11 will demonstrate to everyone that this administration can't keep us "safe." (Never mind the fact that we can never, and have never, been perfectly safe.)
So, the two big emotional, subconscious reasons why the public pulled the lever for * are blown out of the water. That will not sit well with that public, and I do think they would howl for impeachment.
I also think the neocons know this, and the most likely scenario is removal of Bush, since he is a figurehead. I'm not saying impeachment, I'm saying a health crisis of some sort. The neocons still want their ME armageddon plans to go through, so a shakeup at the top is the perfect distraction. They may not have the balls to do this, though. We'll see.
The second option is the start of a major pulllout from Iraq. That also would pacify the masses, but at the loss of the neocons' objective of stirring up the ME.