Not the triumph of liberalism over evil. The Deep Throat story is a myth according to Hogan's analysis. Throat, Bob Woodward and the CIA
Strange Bedfellows
<...As anyone who marched in the Sixties knows, these were secret and unconstitutional counterintelligence programs targeting the Left and a handful of white supremacists. As head of the FBI's Inspection Division, it was Felt's responsibility to maximize the effectiveness of the program in the field. Lest there be any doubt about this, it should be emphasized that Felt's brief was not to ensure that anyone's civil liberties were protected...><snip>
<It wasn't just Donald Stewart who was worried about a Seven Days in May scenario. The CIA, which was also spying on the White House, as well. In this connection, another of Woodward's sources is relevant. This was Robert Bennett.<snip>
<Today, Senator Bennett is a Mormon elder and one of the richest men in Congress. That he was also a key source of Bob Woodward's during the Watergate affair is memorialized in a Memorandum to the Record written by Martin J. Lukoskie, Bennett's CIA case-officer in 1972. (4) According to Lukoskie, Bennett "established a 'backdoor entry' to the Edward Bennett Williams law firm which is representing the Democratic Party (and the Washington Post...)" Bennett's job was to "kill off any revelation" about the Mullen Company's relationship to the CIA. But he was also responsible for dissuading reporters from the Washington Post from pursuing a 'Seven Days in May' scenario" that would have implicated the CIA in a conspiracy to "take over the country."<snip>