House slavesSaudi dignitaries living in U.S. no strangers to grave abuse of servants
By Daniel Pipes
June 18, 2005
Homaidan Al-Turki, 36, and his wife, Sarah Khonaizan, 35, appear to be a model immigrant couple. Having arrived in the United States in 2000, they live with their four children in an upscale Denver suburb. Al-Turki is a graduate student in linguistics at the University of Colorado, specializing in Arabic intonation and focus prosody. He donates money to the Linguistic Society of America and is the former co-owner of Al-Basheer Publications and Translations, a bookstore specializing in titles about Islam.
Last week, however, the FBI accused the couple of enslaving a young Indonesian woman. For four years, reads the indictment, they created "a climate of fear and intimidation through rape and other means." The slave woman cooked, cleaned, took care of children, and more for less than $60 a month, fearing that if she did not obey, "she would suffer serious harm."
The U.S. State Department knows about the forced servitude in Saudi households and laws exist to combat this scourge but, as Mowbray argues, it "refuses to take measures to combat it." Finally, Saudis know they can get away with nearly any misbehavior. Their embassy provides funds, letters of support, lawyers, retroactive diplomatic immunity, former U.S. ambassadors as troubleshooters, and even aircraft out of the country; it also keeps pesky witnesses away. Given the U.S. government's
louche attitude toward the Saudis,
slavery in Denver, Miami, Washington, Houston, Boston, and Orlando hardly comes as a surprise. Only when Washington more robustly represents American interests will Saudi behavior improve.
Daniel Pipes is director of the Middle East Forum and author of Miniatures (Transaction Publishers). (bold emphasis mine)(more...)
Yeah, as the article states, Saudi dignitaries are even provided "aircraft" to get "out of the country" ...like after 9/11. And don't forget how their dignitaries play holdy-hands and kissy-face with "Commander diputS"! Aaaaarrrggghhh! I'm not against Saudi citizens, just Saudi dignitaries and royals who enslave, violate and intimidate people for years. :spank: