While the G8 waters down its plans to combat climate change, the Antarctic ice sheet is melting far faster than we thought. The consequences could be devastating
The Antarctic ice sheet contains 30 million billion tonnes of ice, four times more than all the fresh water in the rest of the world. Only a fraction of it has to melt to trigger a cataclysm.
But that is what Lloyd Peck, an Antarctic expert, fears. “The consequences could be catastrophic and beyond anything we have so far predicted,” he said yesterday.
There is evidence that climate change has started to thaw the ice covering the peninsula that stretches out west from Antarctica. Over the past 50 years, 87% of its glaciers have retreated, and they are now retreating by an average of 50 metres a year.
According to Peck, if the ice sheet melts, the level of the world’s seas could rise by about five metres, submerging half of Bangladesh and three-quarters of the Netherlands and drowning Calcutta, large parts of Sydney, London and Florida.