-2 OPTIONS EYED TO RESTORE SERVICES TO DOWNTOWN S.J., San Jose Mercury News, Monday, June 20
Appender's sub-title: The poor little Frist Family (that's Senator Bill Frist, MD) wants a handout from the local txpayers for their
-2 OPTIONS EYED TO RESTORE SERVICES TO DOWNTOWN S.J., San Jose Mercury News, Monday, June 20
City and county officials are exploring options for opening an urgent-care clinic at the site of the former San Jose Medical Center, a move that would give downtown residents some of the nearby health services they lost with the hospital's December closing.
Bringing a full hospital and trauma center back to the site is unlikely any time soon. HCA<1>, the hospital's owner, closed it because it wasn't profitable <2>. And since HCA has since moved the downtown trauma-center operation to its Regional Medical Center on McKee Road, the company will not want competing service at the former site.
But a study done by county Supervisor Jim Beall's office concludes that a downtown clinic is feasible. San Jose could acquire the site and the county, which already operates a public hospital and eight clinics, could provide services. Or San Jose voters could form a hospital district and fund a public hospital through property assessment.
Before closing the downtown hospital, the Frists wanted the City to subsidize it.
- This is the one that the Frists closed. They wanted the City to subsidize the trauma department, and when they couldn't reach an agreement, the Frists closed it.
- This is the hospital that the Frist's just bought, the former Alexian Brothers. The Frists want the City to subsidize the Trauma Dept.
- This is the Frist's latest acquisition in San Jose.
<1> is the Frist family's "for profit" mega hospital chain.
<1> Remember, this is Frist's family, the protector of Terri Schiavo.