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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

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LibMod Donating Member (432 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-24-05 12:17 AM
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
Article in the Rolling Stone

1, 2, 3, 4, Bill Frist, you're a whore!

Now for my review of the article:

The article in a nutshell:

A few years ago, you may have heard of medical research tying the MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella) vaccine to a staggering rise in cases of Autism and other neurological disorders in children (such as ADD, ADHD, and Asperger’s Syndrome). After some public debate in the national media, the AMA, the FDA, and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) came out together with “research” that “disproved” the link. And that’s where it stood until the current issue of Rolling Stone magazine hit the newsstands. There is an article written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr titled Deadly Immunity, that starts on page 57. The article (which is also posted at lays out how the link actually was proven, and then was covered up, by the same people who proved it. The article goes further and details in part the effort led by the now-U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Bill Frist (R, Eli Lilly) to indemnify the pharmaceutical companies that made these poisonous vaccines from lawsuits by parents whose children had been damaged by them. Sen. Frist and his congressional co-conspirators have violated these peoples’ Constitutional rights. They are traitors.

The pre-Frist blame gets spread around. In 1989, the FDA of the first Bush Administration approved for use vaccines for use in babies that contained thimerosal, a preservative that contains mercury. They did this despite possessing DECADES of research that proved that any ingestion or injection at all of mercury by children was absolutely dangerous; it’s simply THAT toxic, therefore extremely dangerous. Clinton’s FDA and CDC compiled research on the then-growing number of autism cases, a spike that started in 1991, and proved the link between these vaccines and Autism. But, instead of calling a public alert, and issuing a recall of the vaccines, they called a secret conference which included reps from the FDA, the CDC, and the pharmaceutical companies to discuss ways to hide the research. Then they implemented what they had discussed, and lied to us about whether there is a link or not. Bush the second’s FDA, instead of buying all of the vaccines and destroying them, bought them and are distributing them to third world countries, which of course will exacerbate the problem a hundred-fold. The Bushes and Clinton are worthless to me.

Something like this should have aired on Dateline NBC, 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, or 20/20. Kennedy brought it to them, they turned it down. NBC, which did a weeklong study of Autism earlier this year, should have taken this. All of the major newspapers and news magazines Kennedy brought it to also turned it down. You would think that something of this magnitude would have drawn the major newspapers, networks, and Internet news websites like buzzards to a carcass. Instead they ran in fear and stuck their heads in the sand.

Why? Think: Advertising Revenue. The pharmaceutical companies spend staggering sums of money on advertising on all the major networks. Not just during prime-time, but on the weekends as well (all those ads for erectile dysfunction products shown during televised sporting events). None of these so-called “liberal media” outlets picked it up, because they didn’t want to offend their big advertisers. It never occurred to them that there are hundreds of companies who would love to advertise on their networks that they could replace the pharma ads with. You know FOX would never run this either, given their pro-business bias.
Thus, it fell to the Rolling Stone, which is a pop-culture magazine, the liberal news and commentary website, and the Don Imus show to get the word out. The mainstream media is totally gutless. That also goes for all of these cable “news” and “commentary” shows on CNBC, MSNBC (except for Don Imus), CNN, and Fox News. Imus, when first contacted by Kennedy, brought the story to Chris Matthews, host of Hardball, because Imus considered this to be a news story. Matthews all but ran away. Mr. Hardball is nothing more than a gutless coward. A softball.

I am sick with anger and disgust for the system we have now. I am heartbroken. I am outraged. The pharmaceuticals executives, for want of multiple palatial homes and expensive cars, (were they playing “Keeping up with the Joneses” with the energy executives?); and to please their perversely greedy shareholders, damaged my son and 500,000 other children just like him. Before 1991, autism was diagnosed in one out of every 2,500 children. Now it’s one out every 166, and one out of 80 boys. It doesn’t matter that the vaccines are no longer used, the damage has been done. According to Kennedy, the most severely affected will require up to $70,000 per year to care for when they reach adulthood, given the specialized care required by autistic adults.

Who should pay for this? Well, unlike the S&L bailout, the taxpayers should not have to pay for this. The people who caused this, the pharmaceutical companies, should pay for this. Of course, their supporters will claim that something like this will bankrupt the pharmas. That is sheer nonsense! Have any tobacco companies gone broke yet due to their problems? No, and none are going to. They’re doing just fine, thank you.

Due to the hold the pharmas have on both political parties and the mainstream media, the pharmas will never have to pay up. They can poison us all they want, and get away with it. One wonders if this wasn’t all one big plot that started in the 80’s. Put out these mercury-laced vaccines that screw kids up, and then sell calming drugs like Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, & Risperidal for their parents to administer to them. We all know better than to believe that, but given the total lack of morality and common sense our pharmaceutical community has acted with in the past, you can understand why some people might wonder if they didn’t dream up this racket.

Until we stand up for ourselves and our neighbors, it will only get worse. Thanks to all that advertising revenue to the media and campaign cash to our Senators and Representatives, the pharmas have a nation at hostage; the only way to break the pharmaceuticals hold on our government and media is to pass legislation banning pharmaceutical companies from advertising individual prescription products in the media. At one time, that was the law, but our whore Congress, in its 25-years-and-counting deregulation craze, made it legal to do that. The results, as all can see, have been a disaster, as I am personally a witness to every day of my life.

It would also help to pass legislation to socialize political campaign funding, which will free our Senators and Congressmen from the chokehold corporate America has on them, allowing them to represent us for a change. You and I know that will never happen either. Of course, there will be the course of Hannitized Dittoheads (followers of radio talk-show hosts and professional liars and hypocrites Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh) will scream “SOCIALISM! BOOGA! BOOGA!” at the tops of their lungs, but the simple fact of the matter is that socialism isn’t always wrong, and capitalism isn’t always right. Those who insist that one of these philosophies is always right and the other is always wrong are fools and extremists. We need neither fools nor extremists in our government. They have done enough damage.

I shall leave you with this quote:

A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on. – Mark Twain.

Thanks to Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the truth now has its boots on.

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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-24-05 04:02 PM
Response to Original message
1. Sorry--Not Necessarily So
There is no credible research linking vaccines and autism, and many documenting the link between genetics and autism. Autism is not a consequence of mercury poisoning, either.

Mr. Kennedy may be an earnest fellow trying to do good, or a cynical politician seeking a silver bullet to ride to high office, but he has done families afflicted with autism no favors.

On the other hand, it's making quite a stink since Bush made these families an empty promise and has since turned his back on them, and these active families are getting really pissed off at our Fearless Leader--something that I'm all in favor of, no matter why, or how spurious. In fact, it's even better if they are pissed off for totally spurious and fanciful reasons--let's see Bush prove a negative (when he can't handle reality, anyway)!
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