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Battered Bush watches as support ebbs away

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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-05 10:52 PM
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Battered Bush watches as support ebbs away
<snip> The polls are brutal. A survey by Gallup last week said 59 per cent of Americans now favoured US withdrawal. Polls by Pew and Zogby International also revealed that a clear majority of Americans believed they were on the wrong track in Iraq. Bush's approval ratings collapsed to 44 per cent in general and a paltry 39 per cent on Iraq. 'Iraq is at the front of Bush's troubles. Things are not going well and the American voting public sees that,' said John Zogby, head of the pollsters Zogby. <snip>

Last Thursday, however, Iraq was far from Bush's mind. He was on the stump in Silver Springs, Maryland, a slice of suburbia not far from Washington. In a nominally public meeting at a local high school, Bush touted his plans to reshape social security, the system of payments many elderly Americans rely on.

For Bush, tackling social security, set up during the 1930s in the Democrat Golden Age of the New Deal, is the centrepiece of his conservative revolution. Bush has devoted huge energy to partly privatising it. His speech on Thursday was his 34th on the issue in a campaign that has seen him visit 27 states. So far it has been to no avail. As hundreds of carefully selected Republicans queued to enter the school, they were outnumbered by 500 protesters. Their drums and shouts drowned out every other noise. That was no surprise. The social security campaign has been a disaster for Bush. The more he has travelled, the more public approval of his handling of the issue has collapsed. A survey for the New York Times put it at just 25 per cent. <snip>

The only genuinely popular piece of legislation likely to land on the President's desk is backing an increase in stem cell research. The move was supported by 50 Republican congressmen in the face of White House opposition. But Bush, with an eye on his Christian conservative base, has vowed to veto the bill. <snip>,6903,1514898,00.html

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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-05 10:56 PM
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1. bush is a pig....
Have I mentioned today how much I hate that man?
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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-26-05 12:17 AM
Response to Reply #1
6. you can figure birth defects, 116/100,000++ till the sun goes Red Dwarf
and expands beyond the orbit of Jupitor.. does that count.. Depleted Uranium statistics are not out yet.. canser rates are are up about 25X,

we have dumped 1000 tons of that crap in Iraq this time..

no other country will use that shit as a weapon

that is one BIG reason we would not sign the war crimes agreement with the EU.. this a crime agaiinst Humanity..For F'n EVER..!!

the following contains graphilc birth defects that will break your heart. and Bu$h is Responsible for it all, never forget, they wont.

this is just a little site, there are many more photos much worse than these if you just type in.. 'Depleted Uranium Birth Defects'

there is a shitload of this crap. !!
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Oversea Visitor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-05 10:57 PM
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2. Brutal
I saw a poll that say 95 out of a 100 beleive that US has been misled in this war.

95% say

Busk lie
Soldiers die

They soon say

No soldiers should die for a lie
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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-05 11:05 PM
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3. want to see this headline in a U.S, newspaper
But I'll happily take this tonight.

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oblivious Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-05 11:19 PM
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4. If they stay in Iraq, he's finished; If they pull out, he's finished.
Long may the warmongers be cursed, reviled, mocked and remembered for the needless death and suffering they have caused.
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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-05 11:45 PM
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5. I wonder how he will do tomorrow in Texas at Fort Fragg..? oh,.Fort Bragg!
:patriot: :nuke:
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CJCRANE Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-26-05 09:03 AM
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7. How can he have any support
when none of his policies help the majority of the people...?
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