Originally published on Saturday, June 25
With the war in Iraq creating more and more terrorists, our national debt at an all-time high, Medicare in the tank, Social Security going bust, changes to the Clean Air Act creating more pollution, the national economy slowest in two years, and tensions tightening with North Korea, the House of Representatives has approved a flag burning amendment. <snip>
Certainly, it’s admirable that so many citizens feel so strongly attached to their flag. Nobody with any sense wants to see it defaced. But it’s unfair to exploit that love for America in the way this amendment’s supporters do: equating the Constitution’s protections of unpopular expression with the coddling of anti-Americanism. <snip>
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., put the issue best: “If the flag needs protection at all, it needs protection from members of Congress who value the symbol more than freedoms that the flag represents.” <snip>