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Iraq War Crimes testimony in Turkey

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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 10:19 AM
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Iraq War Crimes testimony in Turkey
The essence of this is in the first three paragraphs, though there is one especially chilling quote later on that sums up how the rest of the world sees the war, and what Americans have yet to realize:

Dahr Jamail, an unembedded journalist who had been reporting from Iraq during the past year, narrated the story told to him by Ali Shalal Abbas from Baghdad. While detained at Abu Ghraib and tortured, Abbas was approached by two men, "one a foreigner and one a translator," who asked him who he was. "I said I'm a human being. They told me, 'We are going to cut your head off and send you to hell, we will take you to Guantánamo.'" Abbas questioned why only Saddam Hussein, who also had people tortured, was put on trial while the Americans were not.


This isn't how you spread democracy. It occurred to me the other day that Mikhail Gorbachev stumbled onto a much simpler way to do it without even trying. He told the dictators of Eastern Europe Russia couldn't afford to help them put down rebellions of their own people, and without that money and help, those regimes fell in rapid succession. If we did this in the Middle East, we might end up with a couple of Islamic republics, but they would be far less hostile to us than if those countries had to endure decades more of the dictators we support in Pakistan, Saudi, Egypt, et al BEFORE they finally overthrew them.

Of course this won't be done because we really just want the oil, and none of that blood spilled is saving you money at the pump, it's going straight into the pocket of the oil companies in record profits.

Is This What They Call Democracy?
By Brendan Smith and Zeynep Toufe
t r u t h o u t | Report

Sunday 26 June 2005

Istanbul, Turkey - Today in Istanbul the jury was taken aback by witness testimony from Iraqi war victims and a US Air Force veteran.

"Snipers hunt people in the streets. People attempting to go to health centers are shot at," testified Eman Kmammas, an Iraqi translator. "There are many crippled children. There are thousands of widows and orphans. There are no police for security and there are no courts. Even hospitals are occupied and bombed and burned."

Former US Air Force combat veteran Tim Goodrich stunned the jury by revealing his role in the "softening up" of Iraq months before the US declaration of war. "We were dropping bombs then, and I saw bombing intensify," Goodrich explained to a hushed room. "All the documents coming out now, the Downing Street memo and others, confirm what I had witnessed in Iraq. The war had already begun while our leaders were telling us that they were going to try all diplomatic options first."

the rest is at:

Hillbilly Hitler art:


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LibertyorDeath Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-28-05 10:26 AM
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1. Thank you for this Dahr Jamail does great work
It's good that t r u t h o u t is reporting on the atrocities being committed in Americas name. America needs to wake the fuck up.

They are being run by War Criminals.

The entire World knows it.

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