I am pleased to announce that on Saturday, July 23rd, a number of Congressional Members and I will be holding town hall meetings to discuss the Downing Street Minutes and related developments in the Iraq War directly with our constituents. We chose July 23rd because it is the third anniversary of the now infamous Downing Street meeting in London.
This is part of the follow up to our hugely successful hearing we held in the basement of the Capitol Building on June 16, at which we obtained sworn testimony on the Downing Street Minutes and pre-war intelligence manipulation. On that date we also delivered to the White House a letter demanding answers from President Bush signed by more than 560,000 Americans and 128 Members of Congress. Educating the public and allowing the American people to be heard on this seminal issue is an important and necessary next step in our campaign to restore trust in our democracy.
At this point, I don’t have all of the details in terms of specific locations and times. However, I do know there will be a meeting in Detroit, and that several of my colleagues will host meetings as well. I have set up a link to provide this information to you and to obtain information from any one who would like to attend – either in person, or electronically. The link will also have a mechanism by which you can sign up to host a house party in conjunction with the town hall meetings, and to submit questions and provide information via email. I will be updating this link frequently, and encourage you to sign up now. Much additional information on these and related events is and will also be available on AfterDowningStreet.org.
I will have many more announcements on Downing Street follow-up in the coming days and weeks, but I wanted to start by announcing this important initiative.
http://www.conyersblog.us/link to more information on front page of Conyer's blog.