Is a few days old but I just found it and really Ms Goodman's opinions. Molly Ivins, if you will, with a different touch but the same impact.
The silenced majority
By Ellen Goodman | July 3, 2005
I AM DRIVING down the coast, E-Z Passing across borders from Maine to Massachusetts, when the radio begins the day's news with a familiar bulletin: ''There's been another day of violence in Iraq today."
Slowly, I turn to another highway distraction, counting the cars that pass me wearing ribbon magnets and decals that display the same slogan: ''Support Our Troops."
From one exit to the next, I count a red Ford Explorer, a bronze Jeep, a white Dodge, a blue pickup truck, and a silver Toyota.
I cannot interview the drivers at 70 miles an hour, so I do not know the complexity of their politics. But I automatically read ''Support Our Troops" as a proxy statement for ''Support Our Commander in Chief." The yellow ribbons tied for soldiers fighting in Iraq seem to have morphed into a collective blue ribbon for the president handling this war.