's%20big%20swindle%20of%20Americans%20and%20Iraqis%20to%20pay%20off%20corporations%20L.%20E.%20Miller.htmBush is a puppet of the corporate barons, and if anyone doubted that, the following article in today's Washington Post should dispel any question marks. Bush has swindled the American people by awarding massive boondoggles, tax loopholes, and tax cuts, to his corporate paymasters who put this corrupt regime in office-- and to the richest-of-the-rich. Meanwhile, we're being forced to dig into our pockets to enrich these crooks!
"We the People" should be rising up in outrage at the squandering of our hard-earned tax-payer dollars, that are obscenely funnelled to the immoral Bushies, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and, their criminals-in-arms, including Halliburton, Bechtel, Carlyle Group, Big Oil ... and new corporations are set-up by Bush's buddies like Joe Allbaugh's "New Bridge Strategies LLC", and "Iraqi International Law Group (IILG)", a new outfit ready to "help you secure contracts for rebuilding Iraq".
And let me also introduce you to the head of IILG, Salem Chalabi, nephew of the embezzler, Ahmad Chalabi. Ahmad Chalabi is wanted in parts of the Arab World for theft and embezzlement, and is a puppet of the corrupt Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz Gang-- all colluding to rape Americans and Iraqis for all we're worth.
The Bush Regime's shell game was exposed by Condi Rice, who in April last year, described September 11 2001 as an "enormous opportunity" and said America "must move to take advantage of these new opportunities." <>, Powell and Rice are reportedly to have said that Saddam Hussein was disarmed in the 1990s and posed no threat, early in 2001.
The Bush Regime saw an "enormous opportunity" to lie to the American People, and wage an illegal and immoral incursion into Iraq, in order to destroy their infrastructure, and thereby award lavish (no-bid, cost-plus, no-audit) top-secret contracts to re-build the infrastructure in order to enrich their corporate cronies & buddy-boys. Moreover, they waged that they could (1) get the sleepy-headed American public to foot-the-bill, and (2) then grab the 2nd largest oil reserves for Big Oil: A Double Whammy of Shake-Down of American Taxpayers and Iraqi Oil ... The Biggest Robbery in the History of the World!
Located in the Google news search under Husseain on the first page. Includes link to Global Free Press.
An interesting take on things even if it is Al Jazeera.