Let's Shine the Light: Rove should ask that his testimony be released12:02 AM CDT on Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Enough with the mincing of words. Presidential adviser Karl Rove can end the to-and-fro over his role in the Valerie Plame imbroglio by requesting that the grand jury investigating it make public his testimony.
Mr. Rove's lawyer now acknowledges that his client spoke to reporters about Ms. Plame's job at the CIA before columnist Robert Novak revealed her identity publicly. Mr. Rove still insists that he did not "name" her to reporters because he did not know her name – only that she was the wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who was saying things that reflected poorly on the White House's war planning. Mr. Rove also maintains that he did not know that Ms. Plame's job as an analyst looking at foreign weapons programs was a covert one.
If he was ignorant on those counts – a matter difficult to prove or disprove – he is probably insulated from legal liability. But, given the White House's early, emphatic denials that he was "involved in" the Plame leak, damaging suspicions are bound to linger.
In October 2003, about three months after Mr. Novak's revelation, presidential spokesman Scott McClellan said: "Let me make it very clear. As I said previously, he was not involved."