We'll have a little fun with this one. This piece of nonsense deserves running commentary.
From the Guardian
Dated Tuesday September 30
The conference speech Tony should make
By David Aaronovitch
Well here I am again. Vlad the Impaler, the effete warmonger, the Granita fop, Tony B Liar. Worse, by far - judging by what is being said and left unsaid here - than Saddam Hussein himself.
No, Mr. Blair, not worse than Saddam. You are an accessory to G. W. Bush. That's bad enough.
A lot of that has been about Iraq. OK, some of you are pacifists, like Mahatma Gandhi, and you don't like war on principle. Fair enough, I suppose, until they turn up to cart you off to the dusty field. But many of you others don't seem to care how many Iraqis old Saddam was killing, just so long as we didn't kill any.
And others simply believe that war should be used only as a last resort. Others were paying attention to reports that Saddam wasn't a threat to his weakest neighbor. As Robin Cook said, Saddam had no WMDs as one would normally thnk of them. And you knew that what Mr. Cook said was true, Mr. Blair. Instead of standing for what was right, you stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Mr. Bush and repeated his lies.
It doesn't appear to bother you at all that - according to all polls - most Iraqis still think the invasion was a good thing. You know better than they do.
Yeah, right. Like we're going to take seriouslyany public opinion poll in Iraq while colonial occupation troops muzzle the press, prevent elections and maintain a puppet governing council consisting of any quislings Bush and Bremer can pay off. It;s not like Iraq suddenly became a free country when Saddam ran out of Baghdad with his tail between his legs. It became an American colony. And whether you have any good intentions or not, the Frat Boy and his cronies plan to keep it that way as long as there's milk in that cow.
You are so certain that it would have been preferable to have left Uday and Qusay in their palaces, and the political prisoners in their torture chambers, yet you call yourselves internationalists!
Ahh, so you try to trap us into a black-and-white fallacy? Sorry, Tony Baloney. We're not going to make any excuses for the Tikriti clan, as you would like us to do. However, since terrorists have a presence in those parts of Iraq that Saddam used to control that they diod not before, perhaps you would like to tell us how that made things better? That's some progress in the war on terrorism you and the Frat Boy have made! Any more progress like that and Osama will soon gain nukes.
Of course it's embarrassing for me that we haven't turned up a bunker full of anthrax. No, not embarrassing - disastrous. I thought there was stuff there, so did the spooks, so did one D Kelly.
Oh, give us a break, Tony. We knew what you and the Frat Boy were doing. Both of you were cherry picking intelligence to support your dirty little war and supressing the real intelligence that refuting it. If you hadn't done that, you and the Frat Boy wouldn't find yourself ing the big pickle your in now. And don't think we feel sorry for you. You and those thugs on the other side of the Pond deserve to stew in your own juices.
There were other reasons. Keeping the Yanks from going completely unilateralist, nudging North Korea and Iran towards the light (and if you have a better strategy, I'd love to hear it), raisons d'état, the kind of stuff you elect leaders to make judgments on.
If your intention was to keep the Frat Boy from going completely unilateralist, you failed miserably. You know as well as anybody else he would have gone in without you and would have been very happy to do so. Rummy said he didn't need the Brits and he was right. You gave him a figleaf. With a few British troops in Iraq, the Frat Boy thinks he can credibly claimed to have forged a coalition. You have no good excuse for feeding his delusions.
Which, I finally have to inform you, I've decided not to do. I'm sick of being your whipping-boy, the lightning conductor for all your self-disgust. It's like having a million teenage children, all sulking and slamming their bedroom doors, and Cherie and I have had enough. It's Gordon's turn. Good luck to him. And for God's sake don't be so hypocritical as to give me a standing ovation. Goodbye.
(turns, walks off, and can be heard chanting)
Tony and Cherie. Up in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
You and Tony Woodley. Left without me. B-U-G-G-E-R-E-D.
And as soon as he's backstage, Interpol agents sieze his sorry ass and whisk him off to The Hague. Good riddence to bad trash.
This is, to my knowledge, the first piece by Mr. Aaronovich to appear on DU's EA page.
He is the Guardian
's answer to Tom Friedman.