Article from the Online Journal speculating that some Dems may also be impacted by Sibel Edmonds' case, and that this is why she's not getting much push from either party to help her get her story out.
Whether it is Republican or Democrat, whether the nationalities of those involved in the conspiracy she notes are our allies (Turkey, Israel, etc.) or our "enemies" (Iran, etc.), it doesn't change anything for me. Anyone that has ties to criminal conspiracy mob-like organizations that lead to events like September 11th, don't deserve any protection and should get exposed.
If not for prosecuting crime, at least so that we can believe in the leadership of these political parties or these countries again if we can remove the "taint" of this corruption.
I wonder if the Dems spoken of here are the same ones that we demean so much for their DLC and other corporate ties? It would seem the appropriate set of people that are more prone to special interest arm twisting that are the likely culprits!
The difference between Sibel Edmonds' case and the Downing Street MemosBy Mike Mejia
Online Journal Contributing Writer
July 13, 2005—In a recent editorial, Online Journal writer W. David Jenkins III called on the Internet community to push the story of fired FBI translator Sibel Edmonds back into the mainstream media, as they have with the so-called Downing Street Memos.
Ms. Edmonds once had the pleasure of mainstream media attention in 2002, when she claimed that the FBI translation program was penetrated by a Turkish organization that deliberately mistranslated documents related to 9–11, but her story was lost down our collective memory mole once the drums for the Iraq war started to beat.
Then Edmonds reappeared in early 2004 with a vengeance, claiming that her lawsuit against the FBI for wrongful termination was being suppressed to protect high-level U.S. officials from criminal prosecution around the 9–11 attacks. However, this time, the major media outlets paid her much less attention than they had in 2002, with most mainline reporting on her case revolving around the Bush administration's extraordinary attempts to keep her testimony in the Motley-Rice lawsuit of the 9–11 families suppressed. Neither The New York Times nor the Washington Post nor any other major news outlet asked the obvious question, "What is the government trying to hide?"
So it is natural that Mr. Jenkins and others would call once again on the Internet bloggers to push the mainstream media to do their job and demand a full accounting of Sibel Edmonds charges. After all, what could be more important than revelations that, if made public, would make Karl Rove's leak of a CIA operative's name look like a minor 'drip' by comparison? What could be more damning than the charges Edmonds has made?
Here's the dirty little secret that may explain the Democrats' silence in the face of such obvious wrongdoing: this scandal, like the BCCI affair of the early 1990s, appears to be
bipartisan in nature.
Those of you who want to get active and who want to be ready to take it to the streets to get her heard by a potential Rehnquist-less Supreme Court, go to this CafePress shop and get some stuff. I'm not completely done with it yet, and need to get some other items like mugs and bumper stickers in it yet still, but order stuff you like and send me comments on what you think might work better. Any profits I get from it will go directly to her legal fund., go to the following thread to vote in favor of a DU forum to gather links for her and other whistleblowers. I will be submitting it shortly to DU admins for creation.