From The Nation
Dated Friday July 15
Rove Defense Team
By John Nichols
It appears that no one in Washington has bothered to ask why it is that the Republican National Committee is leading the defense of Karl Rove. But it's a good question.
If Rove is really the president's deputy chief of staff in charge of policy, as opposed to a political hack operating within the White House and using taxpayer money to do the work of the Republican Party, wouldn't it make sense that his defenders would be current and retired policy specialists? And since the controversy in which he is embroiled has something to do with national security, wouldn't it be at least a little more assuring if a former Secretary of Defense, National Security Adviser or chief of the Central Intelligence Agency were to speak up on his behalf?
But, no, as the controversy about his leaking of classified information heats up, Rove is being defended, for the most part, by RNC chair Ken Mehlman, a political operative who has never been seriously involved in policy matters – let alone national security issues.
Mehlman is a second-string hack, a veteran of the losing presidential campaigns of George Bush I in 1992 and Mr. Elizabeth Dole in 1996.
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The GOP talking points are either easily refuted or red herrings. Wilson's trip to Niger in February 2002 was properly authorized; people CIA chose him to go after the agency was tasked by someone in Mr. Cheney's office to look into a memorandum of agreement between the governments of Niger and Iraq for the former to sell yellowcake to the latter; the document, as reported by even
Robert Novak in the piece that started the criminal investigation, was a forgery. Mr. Cheney did not directly request Ambassador Wilson to go to Niger, and Ambassador Wilson, contrary to the current set of GOP talking points, has never made any such claim. The CIA sent Wilson, not Valerie Plame on her own account in some elaborate conspiracy to embarrass the administration over a year later. What part Ms. Plame made in choosing Wilson is entirely irrelevant.
What we have here is a smear campaign against the Wilsons. We've seen this from this administration before in their attempts to discredit critics of Mr. Bush's ill-advised misadventure into Iraq. we saw it from the administration of elder Bush; just ask Anita Hill. One might begin to wonder if this sort of thing is a Bush family value.
Whatever fancy title they choose to give him, Karl Rove is nothing but a glorified political hatchet man. It is fitting that other hatchet men come to his defense and defend him with a battery of lie, half truths and red herrings.
Having failed to discredit Wilson two years ago, they are back at it again as concern grows that Rove will face criminal charges. Repeating that Wilson is a liar over and over and spelling it in all capital letters will not make him one. And he is not one.