,0,607473.story?coll=sfla-news-lettersIn the true sense of irony:Lobbying is Bush's jobs program
Dave Fredley
Wilton Manors
Posted July 15 2005
I, for one, am sick and tired of people saying President Bush and the Republicans aren't creating jobs here at home. It just isn't so. Here's one example of an industry that's booming bigger than ever: lobbying.
Since the Republicans took over in 2000, the number of lobbyists in Washington alone has more than doubled. Almost 35,000 now. And these aren't petty low-paying jobs. Lobbyists can start out at $300,000 a year. Unless you're an ex-politician. Then the sky's the limit.
With lobbyists firmly in control of government, why do we even need the politicians? Lobbyists write most of the bills anyway. All the politicians do is take the bribe and sign the bill. Oops, did I say bribe? I meant political contribution.
So quit whining about jobs, you spineless liberals. If you're not happy with the system, then you help create jobs by hiring your own lobbyist. Then you can buy your own politicians.
Until then, keep up the good work, George. Your jobs program is working just the way you wanted it to.