It's Only Isolated Pockets Of Problems:
Pentagon Officials Do Their Best To Make War Sound Wise And Noble. Most Of All, They LieIn front of TV cameras, Pentagon officials do their best to make war sound wise and noble. Most of all, they lie.
Sometimes they do it with bold assertions, other times with intentionally tangled syntax. But those who give the orders that consign young soldiers to participation in horror must assure the folks back home that all the carnage is under control. The officials strive to project an aura of calm about the unspeakable; they mumble clichs about grief that cannot touch it.
The Afghan Resistance Re-Launches A Vast OffensiveThe traditional spring offensive has proved to be one of the most deadly in the four years that have followed the overthrow of the Taliban regime.
Far from being in disarray, the opponents of the new regime in Kabul have reorganized themselves, and fighters from different Arab countries, present in the region for many years, have gone back into service.
The Military Project