Thanks to
The Narco News Bulletin, (, Gary Webb's groundbreaking piece of investigative journalism has been restored to the internet.
If you are unfamiliar with Webb's story, it can be summed up like this; with a lot of hard work, Webb was able to flesh out the stories about CIA-linked cocaine sales in the United States. (Reminder: cocaine is a banned substance.)
He did his research, and came up with documentary evidence to substantiate his claims, and the story
"Dark Alliance" was published in 1996 by the San Jose Mercury News. They created a website to go along with the story, and Webb says at the height of the website's popularity was getting a million hits
a day.The goverment's response was no response. Instead, mainstream media killed the story for Reagan and co. by saying, "Hey, it's not true. Never happened." The charge was led by the Washington Post, and soon 'the liberal media' was downplaying Webb's accusations in chorus.
But truth never dies.
Here is
"Dark Alliance" restored to its former glory.
Pass the word,
Gary Webb Lives.--------------------------------------
Consortium News:
America's Debt to Journalist Gary WebbNarco News:
Gary Webb: Do What He DidGuerilla News:
Gary Webb: In His Own Words