been chartered here by our own states, and many of whom remain chartered here, and who got their start here, often with enormous tax benefits and taxpayer subsidies, including outright subsidies and community infrastructure, and who were the beneficiaries of America's healthy, well-protected, hard working labor force and once great educational system, have no loyalty to the U.S. whatsoever, and, in many ways, are direct or indirect traitors to this country.
I believe that any corporation that is outsourcing jobs and moving production facilities to foreign soil, or contributing in any way to the destruction of our economy, or to the destruction of our planetary environment, should be severed at the roots here--de-chartered--and driven from our shores, and if they have already severed themselves, they should be forbidden to do business here. I also think that certain properties and resources that they hold should be seized and nationalized. I am so sick of these people! Enough is enough!
I am furthermore convinced that this is WHY they took away our right to vote--privatized the election system, with Bushite companies owning and controlling the SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code that tabulates all the votes. We have the most potential of any people in the world to bring these corporations to heel, and dismantle them, or put them back into the service of the "common good" that they were chartered for, in the first place. They cannot permit us to have democracy any more. Our vote is an extremely powerful item, by which we could rise up and begin acting in our own interests--and to further peace and justice in the world. They fear us greatly. Hence, the "Dieboldization" of our voting system.
We still have a chance to retrieve our right to vote, if we act quickly. It must be done at the state/local level, where power over election systems still resides, and where ordinary people still have some say. Although the bipartisan corruption in our election systems (which have become big business deals) is an obstacle, the corruption in Washington DC is far more intractable than local corruption. (Congress is NEVER going to give us back our right to vote by reforming these election systems, and we should probably hope they stay out of it, because they could make it much worse.) Our local goals should be:
--paper ballots/hand counts (ideal)
or at the least
--a paper ballot backup to electronic systems, strict auditing and security, and open source code in all electronics.
Partisan activity (such as chairing Bush's campaign, and big donations to Bush/Cheney and to the Republican Party) by electronic voting machine companies should be forbidden. (I mean, really...it's absurd what they've done). Lavish lobbying and revolving door employment should also be forbidden.
Let's clean house! We must put our election system back into the public venue, and insure transparent, verifiable elections. We don't have that now--not even close.
(You know what the Carter Center said about our election system in 2004? They said that it did not meet MINIMUM international standards for transparency and verifiability, and they therefore COULD NOT monitor this election. "Land of the brave, home of the free"--can't even satisfy MINIMUM standards for fair elections! What a disgrace!)