Why Deep Throat Was an Unimportant Source and Other Reflections on Watergate
“The reason Deep Throat remained anonymous, so that even Post Editors didn’t know who he was, is that his contribution was unimportant,” writes Barry Sussman, the editor who supervised Woodward and Bernstein and the Post’s coverage of Watergate.By Barry Sussman
Some people have asked for my take on Deep Throat, or Mark Felt, as a source for the Washington Post in its coverage of the Watergate scandal. I was District of Columbia editor when the break-in occurred on June 17th, 1972, and soon afterward was made special Watergate editor, relieved of other duties. I helped create Woodward and Bernstein as a team, and was in charge of the day-to-day coverage, working most intensely on it for the next 15 months.
Deep Throat was nice to have around, but that’s about it. His role as a key Watergate source for the Post is a myth, created by a movie and sustained by hype for almost 30 years.
One of the worst features – hardly ever addressed – was that as the story began peeling, layer by layer like an onion, hardly any American leaders rose to tell the people how atrocious such behavior was. Instead, as the Senate Watergate hearings came to a close in the fall of 1973, leaders of both political parties began saying the country had had enough of Watergate, and that it was time to move on. When the Ervin Committee produced its final report, censure of Nixon was just about absent. Ervin, asked why that was, said in his homey way, “There’s two ways to draw a picture of a horse. One is to draw a picture of a horse. The other is to draw a picture of a horse and write under it, ‘Horse.’” Ervin should have added the caption.
At the time, you could count on one hand the list of political leaders who censured Nixon because of Watergate.
In the end, it was the power of public opinion, the courts, and Nixon’s own belligerent actions that forced Congress to move toward impeachment. It was a terrible failure of leadership.http://www.journalism.org/resources/publications/articles/deepthroat.asp