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Arianna Huffington: Iraq: The War We Are Not Being Shown

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Barrett808 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 07:37 PM
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Arianna Huffington: Iraq: The War We Are Not Being Shown
The War We Are Not Being Shown
Arianna Huffington

My vacation has been remarkably eye-opening. Now, when travelers say things like that, they usually are talking about being introduced to new cultures, different foods, singular settings… but in my case, I’m talking about war. Specifically, how shockingly different the coverage of the war in Iraq is here in Europe compared to what we get back home.

It’s like a pair of blinders has been removed and I’m suddenly seeing for myself what I’ve long known to be the case: just how sanitized a version of the war the American mainstream media are delivering, and how little of even this cleaned-up coverage we get.

Take Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari’s lovefest visit to Tehran on Sunday, where he laid a wreath on the tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini and hailed what he called “a new chapter in brotherly ties” between

Iran and Iraq. Now, by all rights, this should have been a major story in the U.S. Here you have the leader of the new government we’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars creating in Iraq making very nice with the terror-funding and nuke-building mullahs in Iran. So this is what our soldiers are putting their lives on the line for -- 1,770 killed so far -- a budding alliance between fundamentalist theocracies? (And yesterday’s news about the Iraqi constitution being based on fundamentalist Islamic principles, including curtailing women’s rights only confirms these fears) Surely that’s front page news, right? Not in America.



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pfitz59 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-05 08:09 PM
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1. Oils well that ends well!
BUSHCO cares not, as long as they get the oil!
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