I saw Mick Jagger do it at Altamont. I saw him do it. I didn’t hear about it and I was crystal clear that day. I saw him pound the stage with his belt during Midnight Rambler. The crowd was already freaked and the Hell’s Angels were getting into a groove with the pool cues. I was right up front. I know someone punched him on his way to the stage. You could argue that was what set him off. It didn’t look like that though. It looked methodical and deliberate. It looked like what he wanted to do. Then, whatever the song, when the crowd would surge and the Angel’s would lay into them with a will, he’d go, “Peace brothers and sisters, Peace.” He was unctuous and diabolical. Then he’d wail into the hard shit and they’d be at it again. I watched his mock alarm. The Walrus and Carpenter act was transparent.
So it is with 9/11 and these London bombings. So it is with the Bin Laden under the bed. So it is with the phony terror alerts that come and go depending on need. Seemingly intelligent people can’t seem to get the picture that this is orchestrated. Evidence spills out in all directions but the connections aren’t made. Of course Fox News is telling the truth. How could they have that big network and all those talking heads; all that money, unless they were telling the truth? Of course the president is doing his best. Come on Visible! There are terrorists out there!!! I’m sure there are but they aren’t your problem. Your government is your problem. Your governments are the terrorists and just like Jagger on stage at Altamont they press the crowd toward panic while urging calm.
Bush and all of his co-conspirators are lying, murdering thugs… and I’m being kind. These are the people you need to look out for, not a bunch of rag tag Arabs.
Back to my suggestive beginning at the beginning of this piece; I’ve seen it all before. Here’s what’s up. Hatred is being whipped up against the Muslims- against the Muslims in America and Britain. They’re going to let the coming war in the streets, the rage of the common man against a perceived enemy set the stage for everything they desire and they’re fanning the flames right now. Look at some of the suggestive headlines at The Drudge Report this morning. Meanwhile they are going to superficially pacify the mob with “Be calm brothers and sisters. Peace” They’re going to push the riots and then step in as an agency for domestic control and remain ineffectual in stopping anything. Did you not see the Patriot Act move like shit through a goose in Congress? They renewed it didn’t they? Nice timing. Have you heard anything about the man shot dead in London while already lying down? Oh, they’ll get to that, or not.