One of the most persuasive arguments I've read for getting behind the candidate whose platform most reflects your views. Read on...
I haven't spoken to a progressive, a liberal, yet who has not told me that he or she loves Kucinich, that Dennis is hands down the first democratic candidate choice. But then I hear the story-- "he doesn't have a chance.." "there's no hope..."
My reply is: "That's what they all said about Dean six months ago."
I can live with Dean. He's a good guy. But I am not ready to give up on Dennis Kucinich. On issue after issue, Kucinich has the right policies, the right answers and perhaps most important, the right history.
He'll take the US out of the World Trade Organization as soon as he's elected. He'll cancel the tax breaks Bush handed over to the wealthy. He'll cancel NAFTA. He'll start a department of peace.
Now the right wingers laugh at the idea of a department of peace. But then there's Maslow's widely cited saying,
"If you all you have is a hammer, then everything is a nail."
If you feel he's your favorite, then invest some money in him, at least as much as you've spent on your best dinner out in the last few months. Really, if you don't try to support the guy you like the best, then you are letting yourself and the country down. Just ask yourself if any other candidate comes close to Kucinich. If you find yourself saying that he doesn't have a chance, then think of how so many other candidates have come from behind, how Dean has only been in the lead a few months.
If you find yourself acknowledging Kucinich in your heart, then get the word out. Tell your family and friends and neighbors and co-workers about him.
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