October 1st
I read the story "Tiger bites U.S. GI" (Sept 21) about U.S. soldiers going into the Baghdad zoo after hours and after they'd had a few too many drinks. One soldier fed a tiger and it bit him. Then another soldier shot and killed the tiger.
Was the tiger hiding weapons of mass destruction? Was is a threat to the multibillion-dollar war machine in Iraq? Will the soldiers be severely disciplined for this? Will Americans ever learn to stay the hell out of other people's animals' business? Does a dead, caged tiger make up for the inability for the American mega-military to find Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden? Does the American military have to constantly live up to its World War II reputation of "Best fed, worst led?"
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
If all our troops in Baghdad have left to do is get drunk and take potshots at caged animals, what is going on over there? Where was their commanding officer? Who supplies the beer for the parties at the zoo?
I'd like to hear the Army's story on this. I want to get our folks home safe and sound, but things like this make our troops look more cruel and bloodthirsty than Saddam Hussein's.
Stockbridge, GA