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The Iraqi Resistance Is Prepared For Ten Year War

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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-28-05 08:14 PM
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The Iraqi Resistance Is Prepared For Ten Year War
Yippee. Bring it on! Mission accomplished! It's worth it!
Note that the dateline is in Yemen.

07/27/05 Arab Monitor” – - – - Sanaa, July – Is the resistance in Iraq, which we are witnessing, was prepared by former governement or it grew up during the occupation ?

Salah al Mukhtar – -”The current resistance in Iraq, to be accurate, has not made or prepared by Iraqi government, but by Baath party leadership. At the beginning in the year 2002, the Baath party has completed the training of about 6 million Iraqi citizens to fight urban warfare by the so called Al Quds Army. President Saddam Hussein has managed all preparation, including storing about 50 million of guns, big, medium and small sizes with their necessary ammunition to fight against the occupation for ten years. The groups prepared for a guerrilla warfare has included, beside the Iraqi armed forces, organization called Fedayeen of Saddam, Baath party fighters, as well as kaders of Baath party. In the light of what I have said, you can reach the conclusion that the resistance was prepared mainly by the political leadership of Iraq. Of course, it has used the government apparatus to facilitate the preparation for a guerrilla warfare. After the occupation of Iraq thousands of people have joined the armed resistance: some of them joined Baath party organizations, some others formulated their own organizations. For the time being, we have many different groups fighting against American colonial occupation, and these organizations have different ideological characters, including progressive forces, religious groups, nationalists, but the main organization is the Baathist one. As for the connection among these organizations, I can say that there is a strong coordination and cooperation”.


S.a.M. – -”During a liberation warfare it’s very important to mobilize all forces to fight against the occupation. All historical experiences have proven that all kind of ideologies and characters where participated in the process of liberating homeland, for example in Vietnam the Buddhist where active against the American occupation. As for Iraq, we are confronting the most dangerous colonialism ever witnessed in the history of the mankind, and because there are no outside support, the circumstances have obliged all forces to be united with each other, to guarantee the liberation of Iraq. The Islamist organizations are fighting side by side with progressive and secular forces, which is very important and necessary to kick out the imperialist occupation. Let me correct some misunderstanding. The matter of martyr operations is not limited to Islamist organizations but also the organizations under Baath party practicing in the martyr operations. This kind of way of acting is the most effective weapon in the hand of the Iraqi resistance: actually it is the Iraqi mass destruction weapon capable of deterring and defeating the American forces occupying the country. The Iraqi resistance has simple weapons, while the other party has highly sophisticated weaponry, such as jet fighters, tanks, missiles, modern technology. Therefore, to neutralize that kind of superiority, the martyr operations are the only effective weapon the resistance has. I would like to remind you that this kind of operations have been used by the Vietnamese and Tamil tigers, as well as by Palestinian organizations”.


S.a.M. – -”As I said at the beginning, the preparations for underground fighting was finished two years before the occupation. According to information released by both, American occupation sources and the resistance, the Iraqi intelligence service has penetrated all levels not only of the new Iraqi administration, imposed by the occupation, but also the highest command of American army, because the Americans are in desperate needs for translators, guides, workers, technicians, speaking Arabic, and by this way the Iraqi intelligence has infiltrated their ranks. The newly established security forces and the so called( national guard’s) have become a very good sources on the Iraqis cooperating with the Americans and the Americans. I can assure you that the Iraqi intelligence has achieved very important operations and as Mr. Paul Bremer, the American colonial administrator, has said, the most painful operations the Iraqi resistance have made were not the military one but the intelligence. You have to know that the intelligence of the resistance is the original intelligence service of Iraq, which was selected from the élite of intelligence officers to join the resistance. So the experiences of Iraqi intelligence were used perfectly against Americans and I assure you that the Iraqi intelligence under the resistance leadership has overwhelmed the CIA”.


A.M. – -Do you believe in the existence of Abu Musab al Zarqawi, acting in Iraq ?

S.a.M. – -”There is no sure information about the fate of Zarqawi, some of the information suggesting that he had been killed at the beginning of Iraq’s occupation, but some other sources believe that he has been arrested by Americans. Anyway whatever the correct story is, I tell you that Zarqawi is a limited phenomenon and it is located in a specific area and playing a limited role. The US intelligence used to say that all operations are made by Zarqawi to show that those who fight against Americans in Iraq are foreigners not Iraqis, to convince American public opinion that the war against the so called( terrorism) is justified. On the other hand, the US want to underestimate the role of the Iraqi resistance in general and the Baath party in particular”.

Guerilla News Network
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HysteryDiagnosis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-28-05 08:20 PM
Response to Original message
1. If Rumsfeld divides 6 million by some number that might be
produced by the mad waving of his hands.... could he come up with only onsies and twosies as a final count?? One would think so... perhaps he needs to read this and then do the magical wizard thing once again.
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Larkspur Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 12:01 PM
Response to Original message
2. If this is true, seems like the Iraq Sunnis have studied Vietnam's
conflict with the French and Americans, and unlike our bozos in the White House, these Iraqis had a post-invasion plan.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 12:39 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. There were a number of news stories before the war started
to the effect that Saddam had studied Gen. Giap and kept his book on his bedside table.
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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 12:19 PM
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3. I would assume they're prepared to fight indefinitely.
How long would you fight to kick an invader out of your home-land? 10 years? 20? 50? They'll resist as long as we stay, however long that is.
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classysassy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-01-05 05:04 PM
Response to Original message
5. How long
will this madness go on,bushco and his gang of thugs,can't remember the historic facts,the men and women of colour are not going to take their crap without a fight.?The Russians in Afghanistan,America in Viet Nam,the French in Algeria,the Afrikaners in South Africa,the Dutch,the British,in Africa they all lost.We are in a no win position following a man void any understanding of human nature.WAKE UP AMERICA.
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