(I received this yesterday from a friend.)
What is the incidence of CJD or Jakob-Kreutzfeldt disease in America?
There are many problems in determining the number. I began to worry because of a story I heard today of a report in Nebraska about 1500 cattle that died because of a “heat wave.” The “heat wave” they were talking about was something like 10 days of over 90 degree temperatures. That isn’t any kind of heat wave that I’ve ever heard of. The dead animals will not be tested for BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) because the Agriculture department doesn’t require testing; it is only voluntary testing, and it is also against the ranchers interests. BSE has been shown to cause CJD in humans by eating infected meat.
In looking at this I found that there has been an ongoing problem of cattle being found dead and yet with organs removed as though some group was doing a secret testing program. It is entirely possible this is true, and after reading the evidence I am leaning that way; that some government agency is surreptitiously surveying the problem in secret and has for several years.
A third case of Mad Cow has been admitted to in the public today, yet the government will not say where the case was discovered. It must be kept a secret for some unknown reason.
Anyway to make a long story short, the number of “Mad Cow” disease or CJD in humans in America is likely to be in the range of 200,000 to 400,000 or more. This is based on a study of the percentage of misdiagnosed Alzheimer’s patients that were later proved to have CJD. Also the cases of Alzheimer’s and CJD are rising dramatically.
Prepare yourself for more cases of this because we are going through what the UK did a decade ago.
This is a very interesting and credible document that is well referenced. Although I haven’t been able to verify for myself that there are about 4 million Alzheimer’s patients in the US yet.