The FBI's review of WMD forgeries looks like a sham
As long as the Rove/Plame/Wilson saga is now back on the front pages, let’s remember some loose threads that could still use some pulling.
And not just ones about the legal particulars of what Karl Rove knew or when he did what — but the big story, the White House’s knowing use of phony intelligence about an Iraqi nuclear program to game the country into war. And behind even that, those pesky Niger uranium forgeries. Where did they come from? Who created them? And why?
This may seem like ground that’s already been thoroughly plowed. In fact it remains largely virgin earth.
Let’s review some of the details.
It’s been known since just before the outbreak of the war, almost two and a half years ago, that the prime “evidence” at the center of administration claims about an Iraq nuclear program was the work of forgers. This was announced by the International Atomic Energy Agency on the eve of the war, and in reaction Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) called for an FBI investigation into the origins of the forgeries themselves.
Ironically, though, that right-minded request became an excuse for not getting to the bottom of the mystery...cont'd