There are such things as perfect storms. That moment when so many various, unrelated factors suddenly collide to create a situation almost too serendipitous to be true. I want to hesitantly put out there that we may be close to experiencing one. Think about it:
1. Bushes poll ratings keep dipping a little lower every month. 2. The Special Investigation into the big Leak has to come to a head at some point, and most likely before the 2006 elections, and every time I turn around, it sounds like more Administration figures are involved and may be smeared by the end of the final act, even if they aren't charged with anything. Bush and Cheney are hiring criminal lawyers and the Republican attack machine is getting ready to go after Fitzgerald - a Republican! 3. Nation wide polls are tipping over to the Dems. In polls asking people what party they are likely to support in the next election, we are winning by a couple points in all of them. 4. The London Bombings did not shift everyone back to fretting over terrorism, and Bushes poll numbers profited minimally. 5. More and more cases are hitting the news of illegal, behind the scenes dealings concerning various Republican leaders: Delay, Noe, Rove etc etc. 6. Bush is going to be forced to make his first veto ever be against stem cell research, something relatively accepted and popular with the people of this country. 7. In the polls, majorities of Americans are regretting the war, and viewing Bush as "Dishonest." 8. As Dems, we got a great underdog story in Hackett to rally around -and he's actually got a change to win. 9. We got a good shot to get rid of Santorum in 2006. 10. We have Terry Schaivo to clobber them over the head with in 2006. 11. Repubs wont have the Gay Marriage issue to drive voter turn out, since those bills have already been voted on in the swing states. 12. We got a couple really solid people to run for prez in 2008, and so far, I haven't seen anyone with star quality on the Republican side. 13. And maybe I'm naive, but I sensed, watching those White House press conferences with Scotty boy squirming over Rove that the main stream media has sensed blood in the water and is in a Bush bashing mood right now and may be for a while....
I feel like Lady Luck is kissing us on the cheek and telling us to go for it.
We just need HOPE -and a sense of Destiny! NO MORE PESSIMISM!
What We need now, is a little unity. A little acceptance that we may not all have the same absolute priorities, but that we can argue over that crap later once we start getting our people into office.
We have to realize that there are the issues that you REALLY care about, and then the issues you use to WIN -and that you can care about any issue all you want, but it wont matter until you win. Remember, History is written by the WINNERS. If the issues you really care about probably aren't gonna help you win, you keep them in your back pocket, and talk about the issues that get you the applause -not from the base, but from the swing voters. That doesn't mean being fake, it means picking the things that you and the people really agree on and talking about that. I don't want to hear another Democrat even talk about abortion! It's the law of the land, we aren't trying to change it, don't even bring it up, if someone else does, give a REALLY short answer -no equivocations! Just a "Hey, that law is pretty settled to me!"
By 2008, gas prices will probably be at least a buck or two higher, and the politicians talking about energy independence and alternative sources of fuel are gonna sound really smart -and those are OUR issues, that we've been talking about forever! If Bush vetoes that stem cell bill, that will still be an issue -OUR issue.
I tell you, we can ride this perfect storm, and call it a Liberal Revolution. Things always seem to take on power once they are given a name. Let's declare a Liberal Revolution right this moment! The first shot fired will be putting Hackett in office and we wont consider our work finished until we've taken back the Senate and the House and the Oval Office!
Long Live the Revolution!