Dogs to the left of me, dogs to the right of me all barking and snapping and jumping around. This is just silly. Everyone is just frothing at the mouth, pointing fingers and carrying on, this is out of hand. The liberal talk show hosts need to get a grip most of all.
Face it folks, we are out of power, we control nothing except our own mouths and we don’t seem to be doing very well with that one either. We must begin talking about our vision for the country and the world and stop all this growling, it makes us unapproachable.
Yes Bolton is a poor representative but still he is just the Presidents voice on the floor of the UN, he does the Presidents bidding, he speaks the President’s words. It is Bush that must go. It is republicans that must go. Yes Roberts looks a little shaky, but no one stopped George and now he gets to make choices that will affect the world for years to come. The people of this country have allowed this man to be President and this is the expected out come, everyone new it would happen. Rove is in big trouble and looks like a big negative but it is George’s decision to keep him on, not ours. Only time will tell how smart it was.
The war on terror is going so badly they are trying to change the name. This administration seems to be falling of its own weight and we are doing ourselves no good standing under them. We must step to the side, take the high ground and wait for the tidal wave to pass that surely will follow when this administration goes plop in the toilet.
We need to start outlining our plans, drawing up our solutions, explaining the problems so the people understand what is at stake here and stop all this other crap. We are falling for their trap. We are playing their game. Let’s start our own game and see if anyone wants to play. If the American people want Republican rule they will have it but at least let’s give them an alternative.