It's That Pesky Prisoner Abuse Scandal Again...
William Fisher
NEW YORK, Aug 2 (IPS) - As the U.S. Congress left town for its August vacation, the George W. Bush administration was congratulating itself on its legislative victories.
Critics, however, saw few victories in what Congress accomplished -- bankruptcy ”reform” that they say heavily favours the credit card industry, an energy bill that does little to reduce the United States' dependence on foreign oil, a highway bill larded with wasteful and unnecessary projects, the highly controversial Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and more protection from lawsuits for the gun industry.
But when Congress returns in September -- aside from the confirmation hearings for Judge John Roberts to be the next associate justice of the Supreme Court -- it will be facing multiple other political tsunamis: reauthorisation of the USA PATRIOT Act, federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, immigration reform, and consideration of the 491-billion-dollar defence bill.
Picking up consideration of the defence bill -- which includes 50 billion dollars for U.S. troops in Iraq -- is likely to cause widespread White House heartburn. Lively debate was already well underway when Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, Republican from Tennessee, abruptly pulled the bill from consideration...
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