http://www.freetimes.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=2568As a report details massive Election Day failures, the state goes on vacation and the country ignores the lesson By David S. Bernstein Illustrations by Jake Kelly
What part of “gross administrative failure” do Ohio legislators not understand?
A 204-page report detailing November's election debacle in the Buckeye State was released this summer by the Voting Rights Institute of the Democratic National Committee. The report is scathing, citing evidence of voter suppression; negligent and incompetent election officials; mistakes with registration status, polling locations, and absentee and provisional ballots; unlawful identification requirements; long lines; and uncounted votes. And these problems disproportionately disenfranchised younger voters and minorities.
But as the report was being distributed, the Ohio General Assembly went home for the summer without acting on House Bill 3, the election-reform bill resulting from six months of work by legislators and activists.
And the rest of the country? In the New York Times and Washington Post , articles about the DNC's exposé of a malfunctioning democracy were buried deep within each paper. Most other media ignored the report completely.
Why? The Times ' and Post' s take is that, since the report didn't demand anyone's arrest or John Kerry's inauguration, nobody cared. After all, as Scott Britton, executive director of the League of Women Voters of Ohio, sarcastically put it, “It's just a broken election system.”