Edited on Tue Aug-09-05 03:30 PM by CrackpotAmerica
I have to say, CNN has spiraled downward recently. But "The Situation Room," CNN's new program, has hit a brand new low.
From what I can gather. This show is nothing more than a half-assed "repackaging" of the news into a brand new and even less palatable flavor of tripe. The new format seems to be centered around a very expensive television monitor that flashes very expensive graphics around as Wolf Blitzer (that can't be his real name) scurries about stuttering half stories with other scurrying correspondents around the globe.
And yet, with all of this glitz and glimmer, we are left to witness their lack of reporting on stories that have much more impact to our common realities than exposing that the CNN reports from Crawford are no less than 9 miles away from the actual Bush ranch (they actually admitted that they were reporting from some guy or gal's back yard!)
The screen flips washes and blinks all sorts of text files, washes and graphics; but the game of "news Keno" never hits the winner, A.K.A. Cindy Sheehan, Karl Rove, e.t.c. Instead, the viewer is forced to suffer through some annoying observation by what's his face about raw goods as he waves a gallon of milk around.
I am dumbfounded as to how dumb these multi national companies think that we really are. It seems they aren't so sophisticated either as the only thing they can think to do is dangle some shiny keys in front of us to keep us watching. We should all tell these outlets that the shiniest keys they could dangle would be the return of actual news to their respective networks.
It seems that "the most trusted name in news" has at last bottomed out. And so, I suppose we are privileged to witness the death of the American Media in our lifetimes. At least we won't watch it go down without seeing some pretty nifty graphics along the way.
I have forwarded this message to "The Situation Room." If you are as displeased with this program, please join me in complaining!
Keep up the good fight!