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not systems Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 01:14 AM
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Filed under: General, Imperialism, Military, Repression & Resistance — Stan @ 7:23 am


The Evolution of the Bush-Rumsfeld War Doctrine - Roadmap to Martial Law
By Stan Goff

July 8, 2005 1400 PST (FTW) It’s also what allows some of the most mediocre political and military intellects in the last century (and that is a highly competitive claim) to create one of the most dangerous and decisive historical conjunctures we may ever witness… and hopefully survive.

It appeared in the most arcane of headlines, this desperate new phase in the empire that had been gestating in the tense womb of the Pentagon-White House nexus.

“US military rethinking the two-war strategy”


Further along, “The Department is also responsible for protecting DoD personnel located in US territory.” This is fairly common sense and not alarming in and of itself. Of course, DoD will protect its own inside the US. But when the definition of “force protection” is expanded to include “critical infrastructure,” and force protection comes to mean capability protection, the SHDCS then claims the right to move on “critical defense assets… located at public or private sites beyond the direct control of DoD… could include elements of the Defense Industrial Base, which is a worldwide industrial complex with capabilities to perform research and development and design, produce, and maintain military weapons systems, subsystems, components, or parts to meet military requirements… defense critical infrastructure could also include selected civil and commercial infrastructures that provide the power, communications, transportation, and other utilities that military forces and DoD support organizations rely on to meet their operational needs.

“In addition, the President or the Secretary of Defense might direct US military forces to protect non-DoD assets of national significance that are so vital to the nation that their incapacitation could have a debilitating effect on the security of the United States.”

It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out how broadly this can be interpreted. The ability to take over roads alone effectively puts the military in a position to completely control the population… effectively martial law.


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wli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 01:57 AM
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1. it's time to run before Bushler kicks off his holocaust
This more or less confirms Alex Jones' story in a reputable way.

It's time to run. This place is a remake of Nazi Germany.
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LibertyorDeath Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 03:27 AM
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2. Thanx for this
a comment by Ruppert

" Now is the time for all Americans who have opposed tyranny to be concerned. Our next stop may be somewhat less comfortable than what we have been used to. And that $5 gasoline might get here this winter. The pieces required to implement martial law have been put in place and now -- more than at any time since 9/11 -- we ought to be prepared for a major "attack" at home. After that, it's a whole new ball game. - MCR]

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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 07:59 AM
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3. Very nice.
Always a pleasure to read Goff. He pinpoints an issue here:

The Achilles heel of this entire concept is precisely in the realm of observation. The Bush administration blundered into its current Iraqi quagmire because of its insistence on perceptual conformity, and its unwavering tendency to seek evidence to support its own preconceptions. In Boyd's theory of warfighting - designed by the way for local combat and not national strategy - all actions are taken in the context of a decision cycle, which begins with observation and orientation, and ends with decision-action. The efficacy of action is directly related to the accuracy of observation and appropriateness of orientation. In other words, if the observation is faulty, the whole repeating decision cycle spirals down to disaster.

This is the single greatest intellectual failure I have observed in the DoD and it's minions, a total inability to grasp the effects of scale on military operations, they have a flat earth view of things in which an army group and a platoon are managed and thought of in the same way, a conception that leads to solving failures by throwing more stuff into the hopper.

I don't care for Boyd all that much, it is too reductive for my taste, but one can see the utility of it as guidance for the commander of a small unit. But to consider that one manages large forces in this way ...
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katty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 01:40 PM
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4. Stan will not back down
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teryang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 08:48 PM
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5. American Dynasty fortunes of war
The current clique has measured its fortunes by the war making cycle of the twentieth century. Kevin Phillips, one of the most insightful political observers of our time documents this in American Dynasty.

My own observation is that this clique is unaccountable and untouchable. They survive every conflict no matter how outrageous, illegal or unconstitutional their actions. Therefore, the mediocrity of their world view or tactical skills is a matter of irrelevance because they are above the law.
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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-05 11:56 PM
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6. Nominated.
Not the best headline for this article. I almost passed it by because, well, duh! re the headling. (As in: Tell me something I don't know.)
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