The invasion and occupation of Iraq is illegal and immoral. As the facts come forward from the Downing Street Memo and others sources it was clearly a war created for the profit of the Bush administration, politically and monetarily.
The fear of imminent war and terrorists (remember the color alert system?) caused many people to react emotionally, not intelligently, and re-elect Bush. Also consider the billions Halliburton (and others) have received in no-bid contracts. These companies "coincidently" supported Bush in his re-election.
Does anyone really think we are safer since Iraq Invasion began? There are now many more insurgents than when the invasion began (5,000 then and 20,000-plus now, according to Time in January 2005). Iraq has become a terrorist training camp. The U.S. invasion and occupation has made it possible for extremists to recruit and train terrorists. Many insurgents are not Iraqis; they come there to train.
The U.S. must withdraw; we are not making Iraq more stable. The actions of the Bush administration should be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted.
BINGHAMTON it just me, or are they getting more bold in what they will print? Either way, reading this one was like a breath of fresh air