I will become a member of that new party during the next days.
I left the Greens, when I was 19 in 1983. Now I'm 41.
I'm a DU member for more than 2 years and I always had that "sounds-familiar" feeling, while Americans praised the advantages of Europe's "3-way"...
The most interesting thing about the hate-campaign against the new left party is: the blairist-clintonist Social-Democrats as well as the neoliberal Greens try to label us as "right-wing populists", "antisemites" and so on and so forth.
Expect this to happen in the U.S.A. too, if a left movement that has the support of the unemployed, the Ghettos and the Working Class - unlike the Left in the sixties. This time Europe might be faster than the USA. The same happened, when France did vote against the neoliberal militaristic european constitution.
The same agenda is used against the people, who fight the NEOLIBARAL CORPORATE Globalization.
They're backward-looking Nationalists!
I'm feeling like being an Iraq Citizen: be progressive, say Hello to Mr. Bush and the Post-Nationstate Revolution...
If you understand the feelings of german people - people born here and people, who live here for long - who had the lowest paid jobs under the worst conditions, one could think off, but who are now losing these jobs, 'cause there are even cheaper workers from Eastern Europe, accepting even worse conditions, escaping the capitalist paradise in Poland, you're a racist. These workers are racists. Not the people, who are responsible for this situation.
I was really surprised. I imagined they would label us as mindblown potsmoking anarchists, who want to expropriate the family owned shop around the corner and the Deutsche Bank:-)
Maybe the family owned shop around the corner has learned, that it is the Deutsche Bank, expropriating them. And maybe there are enough people, who would like to see the Deutsche Bank expropriated. Who knows? It's really funny.
The leader of the party in western Germany - Oskar Lafontaine - was the first finance minister during Schröder's first term in 1998 and he was the chief of the Social Democratic Party until he resigned, and he resigned, 'cause he realized that he would deceive the people, who did vote for him to achieve more social justice.
In the former communist part of Germany the new left Party - it's an association of former social democrats and unionists in Western Germany and the former communist party in East-Germany - is already the strongest party.
After 16 years living in the capitalist paradise of unemployment, depopulated cities, small buisness being replaced by wallmart and the like.
No, they don't want to get back to Stalinism. They've been there. And they know what it's like. The worst of yesterday's stalinists are now in the conservative party, in the social-democratic party, even in the green party. These people will always ally themselves with the powers that be. You needed a lot of courage to remain a leftist AFTER the defeat of Eastern-Germany. The neoconservative leader - a woman - of the conservative party, Mrs. Merkel, was a secretaire for agitation and propaganda in the student organisation of the communist party, while she studied in Eastern Germany. In her official biography this is translated into selling theater tickets. These are the people, I hate.
The leader of the former communist party, Gregor Gysi, was working as a lawyer in Eastern Germany and defended dissidents and tried to support them....
O.K. I admit it: it's not a revolutionary situation. In the Polls we are between 11 and 13% since weeks now. If we get 10% I would still be out of my mind. I would never ever have expected it to happen that a party with an anticapitalist and left-wing agenda would archieve this in Germany again. BTW I live in one of the largest German cities, Hamburg, which is in Western Germany and the polls say: 10%!!!
http://sozialisten.de/images/button_sonstige/button_european_left_gifJust imagine 15, 10 or just 5% of the voters for the Democratic Party in the USA would simply make sure: Don't count on our votes anymore. Forget about it!
As long as we are allowed to vote - I know this is a difficult task in the U.S. - WE don't need them! They need US!
Shut them down,