mother mourning the death of her son has a right to answers. In the case of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, who was killed in April 2004, the search for facts goes beyond the circumstances of the ambush that led to his death.
Mrs. Sheehan wants what many of President Bush's critics have howled for since the American invasion of Iraq in March 2003. The 48-year-old Vacaville, Calif., woman wants a coherent explanation for why her son and more than 1,800 other sons and daughters have died in Iraq.
Like the rest of the nation, she doesn't buy the justifications, long since discredited, about the 9/11 connection and the existence of WMDs in that country. Most of all, Mrs. Sheehan wants an accounting from President Bush for a policy based on erroneous assumptions.
Last week, she began keeping vigil several miles down the road from the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas. The Secret Service and the local police are monitoring the situation. Raw pain of the kind she's expressed so articulately makes them nervous. Meanwhile, President Bush clears brush on his ranch in splendid isolation, insulated from criticism of all kinds.