the Wall Street Journal on 8/11
Why the base--and some outside it--are standing by President Bush.
<>Here is the pertinent paragraph of this BS from which my response is crafted.
<snip>Mr. Bush as a person, as an individual, is as attractive to Republicans as he is unattractive to Democrats. Republicans like him because he seems like a normal guy--business, family, sports, Top 40 on the iPod. Democrats hate him for this--how common, how plebian; he'd have more elevated tastes if he were a more elevated man. Republicans like him for the one way in which he is obviously extraordinary: When he says it he means it, and if he promises it he'll do it. Democrats see this as evidence of derangement: He doesn't change his mind because he thinks he's God's other son, and in any case he can't think clearly enough to change his mind. Republicans see it more this way: As a West Point official said to me in passing, "He's got two of 'em."
First, I am not sure I understand the last line of this paragraph. If anyone does please explain. At any rate here is what I wrote to her.
Dear Ms. Noonan,
Your Mary Magdalene-esque fawning over the president and his virtuous qualities is as admirable as it is maddening to anyone who tries to perceive the realities of the world. Like most of the Republican base, I think you would support George Bush if he told you it was necessary to invade Canada as long as it did not involve a tax increase.
However, this idea that the president is liked by Republicans for one thing: When he says it he means it, and if he promises it he'll do it, strains credibility. The president said he'd get Osama bin Laden, he hasn't and said he doesn't really care about him. He said he'd fire anyone involved in leaking information in the Plame affair in his administration, then he changed his mind. He said he would not offer North Korea incentives to disarm then, after they started building nuclear weapons he offered them incentives to disarm. He said when gas prices spike a president should jawbone OPEC members to lower the price, when the time came to do so he refused. His administration is not even consistent on what to call the "war on terror" changing it to the "global struggle against extremism" and when that sounded too wishy-washy back to the "war on terror".
So you see, it's not that I dislike him for how plebian he is, I really could care less what he eats, listens to on his ipod or how he would look me in the eye if I ever had a conversation with him. Those things are meaningless to me. No, it's the fact that what Republicans love about him is the opposite of what I believe is the reality. He doesn't mean what he says, he doesn’t' keep his promises. Rather he does what is expedient to him.
And while I don't expect you or the Republican faithful to believe me, perhaps, next year when, just in time for the 2006 elections, we start pulling troops out of Iraq and declare (for the 2nd time mind you) that we've completed the mission, maybe you'll remember this letter. Although somehow I doubt that.
Interestingly, I decided to read some other readers comments to see what they were saying about it. Of the 20 or so comments all where decidedly pro-Bush anti any democrat although the majority praised wither Bush's wife or denigrated a democratic presidents wife - Hillary Clinton or Rosalyn Carter.
I thought it was odd that there was not 1 negative comment about Bush himself. Surely all the readers of the Wall Street Journal are not republicans, are they? I mean my father-in-law is a democrat and he reads that rag.
It was then I believe I discovered the reason why which follows.
From there responses page they state:
Please note: We don't post all responses, and we don't post responses immediately. If we do use yours, we reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.
So they don't post all response, could it be that they only post responses positive to Peggy Noonans viewpoint or the republican viewpoint. Hmm, I wonder.
So in some ways this was an excercise in futility so I thought I'd share it with youse guys. Peace.