<snip> The charge that Iran may have deceived the IAEA in the past makes little sense in the context that President Bush has just signed an agreement to supply India with nuclear reactors -- although India hasn't signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, hasn't submitted to IAEA inspection and has secretly produced nuclear weapons. And even less sense in our coddling of Pakistan's military dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf, whose country was the worst violator in the worldwide spread of nuclear-weapons technology.
IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei has charged Dr. A.Q. Khan and his Pakistani nuclear supermarket with selling nuclear-weapons technology to over 20 countries. When the United States was funding the mujahedeen against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, with Pakistan's support, we looked the other way while it developed nuclear weaponry.
The United States is now favoring India and antagonizing Pakistan in order to punish Iran. Not to worry, the administration -- sensing an economic opportunity -- lifted its South Asian arms embargo and sold Pakistan a fleet of missile-firing F-16's and India an antimissile system to defend against them. Good for business, bad for peace. <snip>