The Light Of Reason:
...Bush does not decide what is the best action to take based on the available evidence and then determining what is best in terms of our own interests. No, he views such decisions through the prism of how they might be judged by our enemies. This is a surpassingly strange manner of proceeding, yet almost no one seems to notice it.
I agree with everything except the last sentence. At least half the nation HAS noticed. But until Cindy Sheehan came along, the Bush empire, with the help of the national media, has been successful in not allowing anyone to say so publicly.
...(T)his is the psychology of a badly damaged adolescent, one who believes that admitting even a single mistake reveals that you’re not "strong" and that you’re not a "real man." "Staying the course," even if all the evidence indisputably proves that the course will lead to nothing but destruction and failure, is the measure of one’s "strength"...(T)o admit that the invasion and occupation of Iraq was a disastrous and calamitous error would be an admission that he himself is a failure.
And that's what President Mightymouse is really fighting for right now: He needs to show the world he was "right" and not a "puppet" as badly as he needs the oil.