Wow! I don't think I've ever read such an impressive and wide-ranging polemic against W. Starting with W's position on ID, it proceeds to tie that into his character and administration and how he's a danger to our very children. It's absolutely devastating. I simply can't do it justice through a 4-paragraph excerpt, you have to read the entire essay from the Online Journal to get the full impact. Trust me, it's more than worth it.
But let's get back to the disturbing prospect of imposing Bush's brain on the brains of our school children. As usual, when obviating fact through fantasy, the child-like Bush eschews empirical evidence and is ignorant of both fundamental logic and scientific method. He presumes instead to change the physical world through the adamant insinuation of personal preference, often sans the requisite reality check. He hears something, usually from God or some guy with bad hair and a fake southern drawl, he believes it if it suits him, and that's all there is to it. From that point forward it is policy—or will be. This is not unlike a petulant child clenching his fists and holding his breath to presumably get his way with a pliable parent.
If the ID gang, or creationists, or whatever they're calling themselves today really want some empirical evidence to refute evolution, they need only look inward—to one of their own: G.W. Bush. After all, the scientific pretext of evolutionary theory is elevated above hypothesis by postulation from empirical evidence. Thus, we who comprise today's remnant of the American republic have for some time considered the empirics which conclude that in a mere 200 years, the impossible linear successor to the genius of Thomas Jefferson, is none other than a drug and substance abusing military deserter and business failure whose family fortunes derive in part from Hitler and Bin Laden, and whose intellect is roughly akin to that of Australopithecus. Simply stated, our president has the smarts of a pre-adolescent human child and the mores of a mosaic virus. This character with his finger on the button that can destroy the world is a demonstrable bonehead. Think what he might do if he ever learns to pronounce nuclear. But the point is this, if evolution is real, wouldn't presidents be getting smarter? Why then do ID "scientists" fail to ponder that?
And while lineage, wealth, family, and observed behavior clearly qualify Junior as what Jefferson rightly called an artificial aristocrat without virtue or talents, his nearly every word and deed expose his dismally inadequate intellect as well and disqualify him as our president to say nothing of the architect of our children's schooling.
Nothing in his past qualifies him to be our president. Nothing in his DNA qualifies him to be our president. Nothing in his actions or policies qualifies him to be our president. Nothing in the 2000 election results qualifies him to be our president. Every day it becomes more apparent that nothing in the 2004 elections qualified him to be our president. So despite the admonitions that we "get over it" coming from the morally superior hypocrites, such as Rush (the name takes on a whole new meaning today, doesn't it) Limbaugh and the other charlatans whose babble dominates the American airwaves, this American—me—will never get over it. Never! Not while there's breath in my lungs and blood in my veins.
Now he wants to have at our children's very minds.
And that's just a tiny snippet. For the full article: